legal fees 

Lawyer Fees differ but usually includes all fees, disbursements, payout of one existing Mortgage. Contact your lawyer for exact figures, or see Monir's Professional Contacts for some reliable options. 

real estate commission (hst included)

This is the fee that you will be paying your Realtor as well as the co-operating brokerages Realtor (Buyers Realtor). Feel free to contact me directly for exact figures.

pre-payment penalty on existing mortgage 

Check with your current lender as rates will vary depending on the type of mortgage you have.

first, second mortgages 

First and Second mortgages may be paid off depending on the type of mortgage. This can involve a discharge fee. Mortgages may also be transferred to the new property (Portable Mortgages) usually with a cost associated. Check with mortgage lender for any associated fees.

Moving Costs will vary based on distance of move, total hours required, number of movers and the size of the home. These fees will vary.


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